Friday 07 April 2023 -
20:00 to 21:00

The British Council is organising a series of online webinars for teachers of English in Korea.

The fourth webinar was held on 7 April and the presenter explained about differentiated English lessons with British Council resources.

The recording and presentation file are available on the top and bottom of this page. (There is no downloadable Q&A document for Webinar 4 as the presenter answered all questions during the live webinar session.)

Teacher takeaway series 4

  • Date: Friday 7 April 2023
  • Time: 20.00–21.00
  • Theme: Differentiated English lessons with British Council resources 
  • Presenter: Seokyoung Lee, Master Teacher of Seoul Sangdo Middle School
  • Participation Fee: free
  • Language: Korean

More information on the webinar

This webinar will introduce how to design lessons based on the achievement standards of the Revised English National Curriculum. It will also present how to use British Council resources to support differentiated learning. Various examples of differentiated classes will also be offered.

Sekyoung Lee has worked as a middle school English teacher for 29 years. She has also taught undergraduate students as a visiting professor at Chung-Ang University. Her interests include English materials development, teaching methods and assessment. As a Master Teacher and an experienced teacher trainer, Sekyoung has conducted dozens of teacher training programs and has been consulting annually to help support English teachers’ professional development. She also participated in the development of the 2022 Revised English National Curriculum and has written English language textbooks. She runs the ‘영어교사공유나라 (English Teachers’ Sharing Space)’, an online knowledge exchange community for English teachers.