Friday 17 March 2023 -
20:00 to 21:00

The British Council is organising a series of online webinars for teachers of English in Korea.

The first webinar was held on 17 March and explained about the direction and focus of the 2022 Revised National Curriculum and the major revisions to the English curriculum i.e., content, teaching methods and evaluation at the webinar.

The recording, presentation file and Q&A are available on the top and bottom of this page. 

Teacher takeaway series 1

  • Date: Friday 17 March 2023
  • Time: 20.00–21.00
  • Theme: A comprehensive overview of the 2022 Revised English National Curriculum 
  • Presenter: Dr Hyung Mi Joo, Senior researcher of KICE
  • Participation Fee: free
  • Language: Korean

More information on the webinar

Dr. Hyung Mi Joo is a senior researcher at Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, where she has worked since 2006. She has conducted various research projects related to the national curriculum development and textbook authorization in collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Korea. She is the revision research director of the 2022 Revised National English curriculum.

In this webinar Dr Hyung Mi Joo introduced the 2022 Revised National English curriculum, which was announced in December 2022. She explained the direction and focus of the 2022 Revised National Curriculum and the major revisions to the English curriculum. She discussed in detail the changes in educational objectives, educational contents, instructional methods, and evaluation.