Tuesday 05 December 2017 to Wednesday 06 December 2017
Seoul 50 Plus Western Campus; MMCA, Seoul

In partnership with the Baring Foundation and Korea Arts & Culture Education Service, Creative Ageing Conference 2017 provides a platform where we can build bridges for exchange of knowledge, networks and collaboration in order to reflect on the role of arts within the fast-ageing societies of the UK and Korea.

The full day conference, followed by workshops and a research visit, aims to bring both policy makers and artists and art professionals together to examine the critical role of the arts to create positive social change and to share best creative practices between the two countries. It also aims to stimulate discussions on common challenges, such as intergenerational and interdisciplinary practices, professional capacity building opportunities, and the arts and its contribution to the health sector.

UK-Korea Creative Ageing Conference 2017

  • Date and time: 10.00–17.30 Tuesday 5 December 2017
  • Venue: Duruduru Hall, 4F, Seoul 50 Plus Western Center
  • Hosted by: British Coucil in Korea, The Baring Foundation, Korea Arts & Culture Education Services
  • Supported by: Seoul 50 Plus Western Campus
  • Fee: Free
  • Registration: Booking closed. 

※ The conference will be also held from 13.00 to 18.00 in Campus D, Busan on 8 December 2017. 

Roundtable & Workshop

UK-Korea Creative Ageing Conference 2017

Programme Time Contents & Speakers
Registration and Opening 09.00–10.00 Registration

Welcome and opening remarks

- Martin Fryer | Director Korea, British Council
- Hyunmee Yang | Director, Korea Arts & Culture Education Services

Plenary Session:
Creative Ageing

10.10–11.30 Presentation1: David Cutler | The Baring Foundation
Presentation2: Young Jik Ko | Writers Association of Korea

Panel Discussion:

- David Cutler | The Baring Foundation
- Young Jik Ko | Writers Association of Korea
- Sebastian Crutch | Institute of Neurology, UCL
Tae Ho Ahn | Arts and Urban Society Lab 

Q&A - Dong Ho Shin | Communitas

Themed Session1:
Arts and Intergeneration

11.30–12.30 Presentation1: Joo Huee Kang | Anyang Foundation for Culture and Arts
Presentation2: Susan Langford | MagicME
Presentation3: Kyungah Nam | Seoul 50 Plus Western Campus
Q&A - Kyu Choi | British Council in Korea
Lunch Break 12.30–14.00  
Themed Session2:
Arts and Dementia
14.00–15.40 Presentation1: Kiwon Kim | National Institute of Dementia 
Presentation2: Jeong Ok Hwang | Kyungsung University
Presentation3: Sebastian Crutch | Institute of Neurology, UCL
Presentation4: Zak Hulstrom | City of London Sinfonia
Presentation5: Carol Rogers | National Museums Liverpool
Q&A - Kate Dncan | City Arts in Nottingham
Coffee Break 15.40–16.00  

Themed Session3:
Arts and Culture Education and Catalysts

16.00–17.20 Presentation1: Teaching Artist | Practitioner at welfare centres for elders
Presentation2: Penny Allen | The Courtyard in Herefordshire
Presentation3: Alice Thwaite | Equal Arts
Presentation4: Yong Hyeon Kim | Moving Arts Platform
Q&A - Jahyun Kim | Korea Arts & Culture Education Services
Reflection and Closing 17.20–17.30 Summary and closing - Kyu Choi | British Council in Korea

 Roundtable & Workshop

Roundtable Workshop
Time Programme Time Programme

Creative ageing programme developments at museums and galleries

- Carol Rogers | National Museums Liverpool
- Su Jeong Kang | National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
- Ji Young Hwang & Hae Ji Hong | National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
- Eun Chun | Artists in MMCA Residency Goyang 2017


Teaching artists workshop for creative ageing

- Penny Allen | The Courtyard in Herefordshire
- Diane Amans | Dance Artist and Training Consultant





Creative ageing contents development

- Alice Thwaite | Equal Arts
- Jung In Lee | Seoul 50 Plus Western Campus
- Sang Mo Yu | Ludens Coop
- Mee Hwa Lee | Eulji Golden Hands Museum
- Emma Robinson | Age Cymru
- Kyung Ae Min | The Federation of Korean Cultural Center
- Eun Bit Cho | The Federation of Korean Cultural Center

16.00–16.30 Break

Impact and Evaluation – How we approach?

- Hyunsun Jang | JnP Group
- Sebastian Crutch | Institute of Neurology, UCL
- Emma Robinson | Age Cymru

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Creative Learning
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UK/Korea 2017-18