International research collaboration is essential for the global knowledge economy, and it has been shown that internationally mobile researchers tend to be more productive. Furthermore, a shared research interest can help to build trust and relationships between people from very different backgrounds and cultures.

In response to this, and taking advantage of its position as an intercultural relations organisation with global expertise in higher education, the British Council is launching the British Council Researcher Links initiative, in partnership with various research and higher education organisations from around the world.

Researcher links consists of travel grants and workshops, both with a focus on early career researchers. 

1. Travel Grants

This element of Researcher Links is designed to provide financial support for early career researchers to spend up to three months in any partner country participating in the Researcher Links initiative with a view to enhancing and strengthening links for future collaboration, building research capacity in developing economies, and enhancing the researchers’ career opportunities.

The August 2014 call for travel grant proposals is now closed. Successful applications will be listed on the global website in the near future.

Please contact us through Contact us online for your enquiries. 


2. Workshops

The 2014 call for workshop proposals is now closed. 

To keep up to date with all funding calls, including Researcher Links, please subscribe to the Euraxess UK newsletter.