Enhance the ability to read and write texts that are more varied and challenging with confidence

On this course your child will


  • compose paragraphs that help present an overall argument
  • react to language choices with empathy and insight
  • make detailed, analytical comments about language choices and techniques


  • make insightful, creative and independent connections between the text and context
  • use imaginative and ambitious vocabulary and linguistic devices that are precise and convey subtlety of thought and shades of meaning
  • craft sentences carefully to ensure clarity and achieve special effects relevant to the task

Course Outline 

An Enquiry-based Approach 

We encourage our students to research, investigate and problem solve within topics, as well as developing critical thinking skills and producing real world tasks.

Growth mindset

We believe that a child’s mindset is not fixed, but that children can develop their talents through hard work, determination and good strategies for learning when supported by input from others and collaborating with others in a safe and secure environment. 

Parent's benefit from:

  • knowing your child is being taught in a safe environment by expert teachers
  • seeing your child develop in person during our open classes
  • attending parent's workshops to get updates on your child's progress
  • learning useful ideas for supporting your child at home 

Course information

  • Levels

    Middle school students level 1 and 2

  • Course format

    • Secondary 1: One-year course, broken down into ‘A’ and ‘B’ semesters
    • Secondary 2: Two-year course, broken down into ‘A’ and ‘B’ years
    • Each year breaks down into two terms and each term starts in March and September
    • Four-hour lesson per day, once a week
  • Course locations

  • Sessions

    Session Start Dates End Dates
    Session 3 24 February 23 March
    Session 4 24 March 20 April
    Session 5 21 April 25 May
    Session 6 26 May 22 June
    Session 7 23 June 20 July

City Hall Centre

Secondary Returnee 2  Saturday 9.30–13.45
Secondary Returnee 3   Saturday 9.30–13.45

Seocho Centre

Sunday 09.30–13.45