2주 만에 달라진 우리 아이 영어 자신감!

새로운 어휘와 표현을 자연스럽게 배우는 프로젝트 활동으로 영어 실력을 향상해 우리 아이가 더 자신 있게 새 학기를 맞이하게 해주세요. 최고 수준의 어린이 영어 교육 전문가 선생님들이 검증된 학습 방법으로 지도하는 영국문화원 어린이 어학원에서 2주 만에 달라진 우리 아이 영어 자신감을 확인해보세요. 

2022년 1월, 2주간 진행되는 초등학생 겨울방학 특강 등록을 원하는 분은 무료 레벨테스트를 예약하세요! 

코스 정보

  • 수업, 등록 일정 및 대상

    1. 수업 일정

    <초등학교 1–6학년>

    • 시청, 서초, 일산 센터: 2022년 1월 3–14일(월–금) 
    • 하루 3시간씩 주 5회, 2주간(총 30시간)
    • 오전반: 10.00–13.00 /오후반 14.00–17.00

     <예비 초1(2015년 생)>

    • 서초, 일산 센터: 2022년 1월 3–14일(월–금) 
    • 하루 2시간씩 주 5회(총20시간) 
    • 오후반 15.00–17.00

    2. 등록 일정

    • 재학생 등록 시작일: 2021년 11월 14일(토)
    • 신규생 및 휴학생 등록 시작일: 

    - 시청: 2021년 11월 23일 부터– 
    - 서초: 2021년 11월 17일 부터–
    - 일산: 2021년 11월 22일 부터–

    • 대상: 예비 초1 / 초등학교 1–6학년
  • 수강 가능 센터

  • 등록 방법

    • 재학생: 영국문화원 어학원 재학생 및 휴학생은 센터에서 바로 등록 가능합니다. (레벨테스트 결과는 6개월간 유효)
    • 신규 학생: 주한영국문화원 어학원이 처음인 어린이는 레벨테스트 예약 및 응시 후, 수업에 참여 가능한 레벨이 나와야 등록이 가능합니다. 레벨별 상세 시간표, 코스 가격 등 자세한 사항은 각 센터로 문의해주세요. 

예비 초등: Owls: Learning Time with Timmy


  • Feelings, colours, numbers, the body, jungle animals, functional classroom language

Language focus

  • Classroom instructions – stand up, sit down, look, listen, point to, cut, stick, close your eyes, run and touch
  • Getting to know you - presenting yourself
  • Descriptions of characteristics – tall, long, small, big, heavy, light
  • Position – behind, in, up and down

Writing and speaking

  • Language to play together – ‘Whose turn is it?’  ‘What’s this?’
  • Describing a story, events and characters
  • Discovering things together – ‘What’s Timmy doing?’  ‘Who kicked the ball?’  ‘How are they feeling?’  ‘What sound does it make?’
  • Grouping and naming objects
  • Phonics review and sight words - me, you, be, to, do, are

Primary foundation: The Good Dinosaur


  • Family, dinosaurs, body parts, habitats, weather, shapes and sizes

Language focus

  • Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes
  • Using ‘has got’ to describe appearance
  • Using can and can’t to describe ability
  • Using the present simple to describe factual information
  • Each lesson will have an integrated phonics component

Writing and speaking

  • Creating a new dinosaur and writing about it
  • Measuring and comparing sizes
  • Completing a fact file on various dinosaurs

초등 1: Finding Nemo


  • Sea creatures and habitats, animal body parts, places in Australia, plastic items and pollution, functional classroom language

Language Focus

  • Ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes
  • Ask and answer Wh- questions
  • Use “It’s got” to describe sea creatures
  • “Should” and “shouldn’t” to talk about plastic pollution

Writing and Speaking

  • Create a fact file about a sea creature
  • Create a graph based on survey results about which sea creatures students like
  • Speak about plastic pollution and how to help the oceans

초등 2: Eleanor’s Secret


  • Fairy tale characters and settings, and adjectives to describe them; items common to fairy tales; body parts.

Language Focus

  • Past tense verb forms for story writing, e.g. ‘went', ‘heard’, etc.
  • Sequencing words for story writing, e.g. ‘Once upon a time’, ‘The next day’ etc.
  • ‘There is’ and ‘there are’ for describing a setting.
  • Make predictions using ‘I think’.

Writing and Speaking

  • Create a fairy tale character and tell a partner about it.
  • Create a setting for a fairy tale and describe it to others.
  • Use a story mountain to plan and write a fairy tale.

초등 3: The Lorax


  • Places in a town, adjectives and nouns to describe people, animals and habitats, animal characteristics, adjectives for families, forms of pollution and recycling

Language Focus

  • Adverbs of frequency
  • Using modals – can (for ability), want (for preference), need (for necessity)
  • Use comparatives and superlatives to compare and contract items including modes of transport

Writing and Speaking

  • Describe your neighbourhood, friends and animals
  • Create a describe a family tree
  • Explain the cause and effects of different types of pollution and suggest solutions

초등 4: Zootopia


  • Animal classification, features and habit, endangered animals, equality diversity & inclusion

Language Focus

  • Useful conjunctions when presenting
  • Language for expressing opinions
  • Complex question forms

Writing and Speaking

  • Create a magazine / create a poster / create an animal fact file
  • Summarise a movie plot / Write a film review

초등 5 / 6: Shrek


  • Fairy tale creatures, geographical landmarks, adjectives

Language Focus

  • Polite language for debates
  • Prepositions of place for giving directions
  • Narrative tenses for retelling stories

Writing and Speaking

  • Invent own fairy tale and create a storyboard
  • Writing a film review
  • Producing a film trailer

리터니 저학년: Inside Out


  • Feelings, aspects of personality, abstract concepts using colours/shapes to describe feelings 

Language Focus

  • Narrative tenses to describe memories and past events
  • Complex question forms
  • First and second conditionals 

Writing and Speaking

  • Summarise a film and create a video film review
  • Write about changes in my life, think about scenarios and give advice.
  • Speak about how my actions can have the consequence of affecting the feelings of those around me

리터니 고학년: Spirited Away


  • Character traits, types of camera angles, terminology related to sound, phobias, film genres

Language Focus

  • Expressions of certainty 
  • Narrative tenses to describe memories and past events
  • Language for analysing different aspects of films e.g. settings, sounds, characters

Writing and Speaking

  • Describe how colour and sound in films can impact an audience’s mood
  • Create a talk about a character with reference to unique personality traits

초 1–6

일정 / 센터 수업 시간

2022년 1월 3–14일(월–금) 

시청, 서초, 일산 센터

  • 하루 3시간씩 주 5회, 2주간(총 30시간)
  • 오전반: 10.00–13.00
  • 오후반 14.00–17.00

※ 센터 별 개설 레벨 및 시간표는 각 센터로 문의 바랍니다.


예비 초1

일정 / 센터 수업 시간

2022년 1월 3–14일(월–금) 

서초, 일산 센터

  • 하루 2시간씩 주 5회, 2주간(총 20시간)
  • 오후반 15.00–17.00

※ 센터 별 개설 레벨 및 시간표는 각 센터로 문의 바랍니다.